Breast cancer can be attributed to a combination of risk factors, some of which can be changed, and some cannot. Here, we will discuss a few such aspects and how one can take the steps of prevention as well as treatment.

1. Inactive Lifestyle
This the most common risk factor for breast cancer, but it can be changed. It is important to maintain a healthy and an active lifestyle, which would help reduce the chances of getting breast cancer.

2. Age
This is a risk factor beyond a woman’s control. The risk of attaining breast cancer increases as a woman’s age increases. In most cases, breast cancers are diagnosed as and when a woman crosses the age of 50.

3. Long Estrogen Exposure
Of all the common risk factors for breast cancer, the chances here increase quite a bit. One can bring estrogen exposure under control by reducing weight or avoiding Hormonal Replacement Therapy.

4. Anxiety and Stress
Although a very clear relationship between anxiety, stress, and breast cancer are yet to be established, both are still considered as one of the risk factors of breast cancer. Mindful exercises or anything that can relieve anxiety and stress can help mitigate the risks of breast cancer.

5. Denser Breasts
Women with denser breasts are at a higher risk of getting breast cancer as the ratio of connective to fatty tissue is higher. This is a common risk factor for breast cancer that is not in a woman’s control. It is because of this reason that the mammogram might not be able to see tumors easily.

6. Genes
Another common risk factor for breast cancer that is beyond a woman’s control is genetic mutations. Women who have inherited genetic mutations to genes like BRCA1 and BRCA2 are at a higher risk of breast cancer.

7. Reproductive Track
This common risk factor of breast cancer can be controlled to an extent. Women, who after the age of 30, have had their first pregnancy, who have never had a full-term pregnancy, or who are not breastfeeding are at risk of breast cancer.

8. Oral Contraceptive Use
They slightly increase the risk of breast cancer. It is observed that women who have stopped taking oral contraceptives more than 10 years ago are at the least or no risk of getting breast cancer.

A breast examination from time to time is one of the best ways to stay aware if one is at the risk of getting breast cancer. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that women who are between the age of 20s and 30s should get their breasts examined once in three years and by the time they have reached the age of 40, they should get the examination done once every year.